Christopher is trained in a wide variety of modalities that enable a profound level of embodied coaching. Trained and certified as a Master Coach, a practitioner and trainer in NLP and a practitioner and trainer in Clinical Hypnotherapy as we all as having studied psychotherapy and the systemic view on human behaviour and relationship.

He is also a highly trained and experienced practitioner in body-based modalities including Shiatsu, Yoga, Structural Integration and more.
My background has also led me through decades training in Conscious Breathwork and depth Meditation.

Find balance, integration and power in all of these areas of your life…

  • Purpose work. Develop and find your raison d’être, begin to live more fully in flow so this navigation into why becomes more fully engaged in your life. Living this into the world is your gift, your being in service to the evolution of humanity and life itself.

  • Health and wellbeing – cultivate super health, recovery, wellbeing and find your innate power to heal, balance and live well.

  • Potential – what is possible for you? Together we will step up into what is your greatest potential.

  • Shadow work – the shadow is 99% pure gold, it is your power and the key to your freedom. Exploring and integrating shadow is the beginning of coming into your power.

  • Money and wealth – money is what we trade life-energy for. What is your life-energy worth? How can you learn to value your self more and create money and wealth from your skills, passions and talents without having to resort to mindless wage-slavery?

  • Emotional intelligence – a key to a healthy life and healthy relationship, emotional literacy, intelligence and the compassionate clarity of communication that can arise from this is crucial to our personal and collective wellbeing.

  • Relationship – everyone wants healthy relationship, how do we give this to ourselves and others. How can we resolve the unconscious shadow elements within relationship and build relationships that revolve around excellence in communication, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Love and sexuality – explore your capacity for greater love, for greater expansions of life-energy and with this the power of sexuality. Discover the subtle nuances of sentience, senses and sensuality, and in doing so find more of who you are, greater freedom of expression and greater connection to life-force.

  • Conscious Breathwork – using the profound skills of conscious breathwork to enable the freedom in all of your life domains.

  • Trancework – utilising the skills of the subliminal, the trance state to create powerful shift of unconscious limitation and belief, to accelerate learning and development and to facilitate the generation of real change, greater wellbeing and joy in your life.

  • Dreamwork – working with the practices of Lucid dreaming to facility acceleration and freedom in all of your life domains.

  • Meditative depth – using key Mind skills and the cultivation of strategies of meditative depth to give you access to the Flow state, presence and the creative force this gives, with ease, joy and power.

  • Spiritual connection – the non-dual vision does not separate the world of the flesh and ordinary life from the spiritual. It is all interwoven. Find the ways your system needs, the methods that resonate with your body-mind to land in continuous and ongoing connection with the source of all existence, all day.

  • Embodiment – the body based skills of walking the talk and living to purpose.

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